Report on Q3 2020

Report on Q3 2020

22 Oct 2020

The third quarter was dull and unrewarding, despite the sadly temporary return of sanity to some human activity. The FTSE 100 fell by 5.2%, having rallied by 9% in Q2, meaning that it is down by 21% year to date. The FTSE 250 has done better (+1% in the quarter, -13% YTD). The main reason for the poor FTSE performance was the oil majors, aided in their dirty work by the banks, especially HSBC.

Given that the oil price fell little over the quarter, the problem for BP and Royal Dutch may be perceived to be more existential, which is worrying. Poor old BP bangs away about becoming a renewable energy company and no one listens. I read somewhere that the US oil majors are funding the Biden campaign on the basis of its promise to stop fracking. This will eliminate thousands of jobs but it should reduce the supply of oil.

The banks are perhaps more worrying. We hear plenty about the various parts of the economy that are being kneecapped by our apparently random and barely comprehensible lockdown policy but the market seems to be acknowledging that the banks will always be manning the rear of the destitution queue.

Remember how the taxpayer rescued RBS (now renamed NatWest Group)? The share price fell from c£60 in 2007 to 120p in early 2009. Eleven years later, the share price was 106p. Our banks are zombies and in my view shouldn’t be listed on the stock market at all.

The ten year gilt yield crept up from 0.15% to 0.20%. Cheap borrowing is constantly cited as the reason why the government can pay for everything. The fact that the government is borrowing from and lending to itself (“Thank you so much!”; “Don’t mention it old chap!”) is rarely pointed out. Attempting to avoid a depression by printing money is an experiment that most of us hoped never to witness. The bond market will warn us if inflation appears on the horizon.

On a more cheerful personal note, I bought some William Hill at 108p on 3 August (not my first but certainly my cheapest investment in that share). Before the end of the quarter, those shrewdies at Caesars agreed to buy the company for 272p a share.

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